Saturday, May 29, 2010

Breakfast Time Fun

Yesterday at breakfast Cole and I were having the same fight over food. He doesn't want to eat it and I seem to think he needs to. He has been doing better but it is always a struggle. I tell him he can't play with his "tape duck" (a little rubber duck that is suppose to be a mummy. He got it for Halloween last year) until he eats 10 cheerios and the bacon he ordered. I leave the kitchen for a minute. Then I hear this conversation:
Sage: (in a very authoritative voice) "Cole, you can't play with your toys until you eat your food!"
Cole: (in a very angry elevated voice seeping with hate for being ratted out) "SAGE YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!"
I am in the back room laughing my head off. I know I should go in there before it gets to elevated and out of control but it sounded like Sage was handeling things just fine.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I am that redneck!

I was at my in-laws the other night. My mother-in-law starts telling me a story about her co-worker who was going to visit her mother. She looked over and saw this little boy with his shorts around his ankles peeing off the front porch. I just laughed. She continues with telling me where the mother lives...Yes, that was my son!

I should have guessed because why else would she have told me the story. I asked her how the lady knew who it was. She knew that William lived over by her Mom somewhere and then told Linda (my mother-in-law) where the house with the naked boy was. Ding ding ding.